GET Questionnaire
Questionnaires are completed by the customer after they order a test kit and before they register the test kit. Requesting questionnaires is optional when customers use their own care team to manage queries. Get questions and possible answers, by testKitCode and gender.
GET {clientId}/api/v1/questionnaires/{testKitCode}?gender={genderName}
Path parameters
Parameter | Description | Type | Required/optional |
clientId | The Client ID is a unique code that is provided by LetsGetChecked. The code is formed by 1 to 4 alphanumeric characters. | string | Required |
testKitCode | The test kit code is a unique code that is provided by LetsGetChecked. | string | Required |
Query parameters
Parameter | Description | Type | Required/optional |
gender | The genderName can be specified as male or female. | string | Required |
The sample response is a single JSON object that contains the following fields:
Response Structure
Property | Description | Type |
questions | The questions array contains all of the questions together with all of the possible answers. | array of object(Question) |
Question | The survey question. | This is a composed object to identify a question. It has the following elements:
QuestionTypes | The type of survey question. | The QuestionTypes can be one of the following types:
Choice | The answer choice options for the question. | This is a composed object to identify a choice of an answer. It has the following elements:
AnswerType | The type of answer that is available for the question. | The AnswerType can be one of the following types:
SupportingFieldType | The type of supporting field that is available. | The SupportingFieldType can be one of the following types:
Status Codes
Status Code | Description |
200 | Returned whenever a questionaire is found with the sent input. |
401 | Returned whenever an authorization header is invalid. |
404 | Returned whenever a questionaire is not found. |
Sample Responses
Expand Down
"text":"What is your date of birth?",
"shortenedText":"Date of birth",
"text":"Are you a current smoker or a previous smoker?",
"text":"No, I have never smoked regularly",
"text":"Yes, I am a current smoker",
"text":"Yes, I was a previous smoker",
"text":"What is your weight?",